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Garcelle Beauvais shades Beyonces sexualized, grinding all of the time image


Here are some photos of Garvelle Beauvais at a January event. Um… Botox, right? She looks really different to me. This is how she used to look. What’s the difference? It’s not weight gain – it’s ‘Tox and fillers, I think. It’s a shame because she was a beautiful woman and she probably would have looked fantastic if she let herself age naturally. Anyway, Garcelle is promoting something or other (a straight-to-DVD release) and she sat down with the HelloBeautiful blog to discuss some stuff – you can read the entire piece here. She has some stuff to say about the recent trend of shows about “other women” and about sexiness in general. It was during a question about what sexiness means to her now, and she ended up throwing some shade on Beyonce:

Miley Cyrus isn’t the only celebrity who needs to cover up and calm down. According to actress Garcelle Beauvais, Beyonce needs to “take responsibility” for how her newly sexified image is affecting young fans, and stop “everything showing out, grinding.”

“For me, you’re obviously flattered when someone calls you sexy or thinks you’re sexy. I think that’s great. But for me now, there’s so many ways to be sexy without being overt about it. I think you can wear a great short dress, but if you have long sleeves and you’re only showing leg. I think you have to stick to a body part and show that. I don’t think you have to show all of it. As I get older, I still want to be sexy, but I want to do it in a different way. I want to do it in a way that’s more classy. Certain things are just too overt for kids. I love Beyonce. I love her. I think she’s beautiful and talented. But, I think there has to be a fine line where you take responsibility for what you do. I think it’s good to be sexy, but sexy can come across in so many different ways. It doesn’t have to be everything showing out, grinding all of the time.”

Most recently, Beyonce drew criticism for her R-rated chair dance routine to “Drunk In Love” at the Grammy Awards, when many parents complained that the performance was too risqué for young viewers.

[From Radar & Hello Beautiful]

I don’t have a problem with what Garcelle said, if only she had prefaced it more with “this is my opinion and I don’t want my kids to see Beyonce’s business at 8 pm on the Grammys.” Because that really was too much. If Beyonce wanted to give that performance at 10 pm, so be it. But I don’t think she should have gotten that pass just because she’s Beyonce and “she’s married so it’s okay to be hyper-sexualized” (which I’ve actually heard repeatedly as a Bey-defense). But, my defense of Beyonce is that it’s her body and she could do whatever she wants with it, and she can push whatever boundaries she wants to push. No one’s forcing you to watch. But yes, as I get older, I get more and more tired/disgusted with Miley’s tongue and Beyonce’s skimpy outfits and Katy Perry’s… well, Katy’s whole “whipped-cream boobs for children!” thing. The whole thing just makes me crotchety. Get off my lawn!

Here are some photos of Beyonce performing in Glasgow on Thursday:



Photos courtesy of WENN.
