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Arden Rose's Top 10 Videos of 2015

Arden Rose began posting to her channel, ARose186, six years ago. Since then, through covering topics such as beauty, fashion and advice, the 20-year-old has acquired nearly 1.3 million subscribers and published a total of 411 videos. In 2015 alone, Arden shared 38 uploads and of these, we’ve made a list of the 10 that gained the most attention and popularity.

10. Getting A New Tattoo?

Kicking off the top 10 list is a video that was published on 7th August. Throughout the over five minute upload, Arden employs her usual quirky humour to do a quick Q&A – answering questions sent in by her Tumblr audience; something which is a regular feature for the vlogger despite many other YouTubers tending not to respond to blogging viewers much anymore. The 451,860 individuals who watched the video got to hear Arden discuss secret locations she felt comfortable going the toilet in at high school to more deeper admissions like saying how she felt age was never a barrier for her. The bubbly brunette also informed viewers that she and fellow YouTuber Will Darbyshire (her boyfriend) were considering getting tattoos. When asked about the future of her channel, Arden answered how she likes how her channel is a place where she can come to talk to her following, and put up “fun” “stupid” or “emotional stuff” sometimes. This tenth most viewed video from 2015 received 15,863 likes and 735 dislikes. It also falls within the top 50 popular videos of Arden’s 411 uploads, being the 41st most viewed post.

9. Reunited with William!

Considering her subscribers are used to sit down chats or what comes across as well thought out shots, Arden tried something a little different in 2015 by posting vlogs that document the day’s happenings. But it appears her following enjoyed the change, because in at seventh most popular for last year is a vlog posted on 12th April which has received 495,893 views, 30,392 likes and only 151 dislikes. In the four and a half minute video, Arden demonstrates the struggles of trying to pack, before briefly recording a funny Skype session, some artsy shots of her journey and clips of being reunited and spending time with her long-distance boyfriend Will who lives in London. Of all her 411 videos shared over the last six years, this vlog is actually her 35th most viewed.

8. Having A Mental Breakdown Over Instagram.

Well would you look at that, yet another vlog has made it into the top 10 list! Evidently her following adore the natural amusing way the Internet star records her day-to-day life and the humorous back and forth between her and Will. The video that is the eighth most popular and was published on 16th April has been viewed 543,434 times, liked by 26,016 individuals and only had a small 130 few who foolishly clicked the thumbs down button. Adding to the idea that Arden’s viewers love her vlogging style is the fact that it is also the 32nd most popular out of her 411 uploads.

7. Arden and Andrea Relive Childhood.

With a total of 578,263 views, the seventh most popular upload for Arden last year is a collab with another YouTuber and friend, Andrea Russett, who goes by the name of GETTOxFABxFOREVER. Shared on 8th June, this five and half minute long video documents how following a trip to a Toys “R” Us store, in which they consumed far too much sugar and raided the Lego section, Arden and Andrea challenged themselves to build their selected toys having mixed together pieces from both boxes. It has been liked 32,843 times and disliked by 351 individuals. Moreover, it is Arden’s 27th most viewed video overall for her YouTube.


With a really cute thumbnail picture of the couple pressing their faces together, it is no wonder that this video has been quite popular throughout 2015 – coming in at 6th place with 592,003 views, 33,416 likes and 216 dislikes. Additionally, it has made its mark overall reaching 24th most viewed out of the 411 videos posted to her channel.

This particular upload shared on 6th November has Arden’s boyfriend, Will, joining her to complete a Q&A. It is likely that such a video made “Warden” shippers’ little hearts melt at the sight of them together – especially when Will returned to the shot to kiss Arden on the cheek. The pair previously recorded a similar video 10 months earlier in February but during this November post revealed that despite their chemistry in the first one, they weren’t actually dating back then.

5. Going Too Far With Your Boyfriend?

Arden herself admits to carrying out Q&As often on her YouTube, but it appears to be a fan favourite as this is yet another that has landed itself in the top 10 popular vids for her in 2015. So coming in at top fifth is an upload with an eye-catching and eyebrow raising title of Going Too Far With Your Boyfriend. Having shown-off and promoted some S.o. R.a.d. clothing, in this post shared on 17th April Arden gives a viewer advice about ensuring to remain comfortable in a relationship and revealing some facts about herself like how she suffers with Trichotillomania – a mental disorder in which the person compulsively pulls out their hair when stressed or anxious. This video has gathered 665,796 views, 20,478 likes and 262 dislikes. With regards to her channel overall, it is the 19th most popular.

4. 7 Hours in a Car with Will and Arden.

The fourth most popular video posted in 2015 is one that documents Arden and her boyfriend taking a lengthy seven hour road trip together. Throughout the upload, the couple share jokes, discuss some bizarre topics, squabble about the heating and sing along to the radio as they travel to San Francisco. This absolutely charming post that demonstrates the adorableness of their relationship was shared on 15th March and has currently acquired 711,192 views, 42,109 likes and only 318 dislikes. It also happens to be the 18th most viewed video out of her 411 uploads.

3. Meet My British Twin.

The third most popular video for Arden comes from a Q&A posted on 1st February that features British YouTuber who, as we’ve previously pointed out, is now her boyfriend. The upload that has gathered 894,987 views was the first video the duo filmed for her channel, and one that sparked rumours that they were an item – which at the time wasn’t true but it was evident there was something there that developed into what they are today. The vid that has had 36,358 likes and 234 dislikes happens to end on an inappropriate note following the question of “If you guys switched bodies for a day, what would be the first thing you’d do?” and Will revealing he’d touch boobs. Yes, we can definitely see why “Warden” shippers evolved. This upload also happens to be fourteenth most viewed video out of the 411 posted to Arden’s channel.

2. Why I Don’t Wear Bras.

The second most viewed post for Arden in 2015 sees her take to Tumblr and carry out a Q&A. The 913,140 viewers got to witness the vlogger discuss things such as weight and appearance issues, shaving certain areas, her ideal tattoo and why she chooses not to wear bras. The video posted on 17th June has obtained 33,614 likes and 461 dislikes, and also previews an acting project Arden got involved in called Occupy Alice. Overall in terms of the 20-year-old’s channel, this is the thirteenth most viewed video of her 411 videos.

1. How-To Pull Off Short Hair. (or something like that)

Coming in as the most viewed video for Arden in 2015 is her tutorial for short hair looks. Bringing in 1,229,852 views, it is no wonder the upload published on 9th February has gained 52,460 likes and only 580 dislikes. This is because Arden provides a hysterical voice over commentary, heavily packed with sarcasm and humorous lines. For example, when advising how to do straight hair she jokingly says “Some things you’ll need for this particular hairstyle are: A complete disregard for the fact you never look good with straight hair, a hair straightener and the blessing of every God in history that it doesn’t turn out like Coconut Head.” More excitingly, this is also her seventh most popular video overall for her channel.

The YouTuber who is nearly 21-year-old is yet to post any videos for the new year but from seeing the high quality content shared throughout 2015 and how they have all gained her incredible viewing rates overall for her channel, we’re looking forward to what 2016 brings and anticipate a major growth in her following over these 356 days. Particularly since she recently uploaded a short-film and has been participating in a few acting projects – so we can’t even begin to imagine what excellent ideas Arden will come up with next.

Have you influenced how popular Arden’s channel and videos have become during 2015 or have you only just heard of her? Leave a comment below or tweet us @CelebMix to let us know.

(All statistics included regarding view counts, likes and dislikes are true to that stated on YouTube between 8-10pm on 09/01/2016)
